What’s about to come

My wife and I are taking part in the conference of the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland on 23rd November and are flying to London especially for it.
We’re not just there to listen, but also to exhibit and take part in a flash talk. We will be presenting a demo version of our co-written jacket pocket booklet at the conference: First Aid using Wayside Plants. We are looking for a British publisher of our successful book ‘Notfallapotheke aus und in der Natur’, which is about to go into its 2nd edition.

My wife and I are taking part in the National Biodiversity Network Conference on 21st November.
At this conference we are also looking for a British publisher for an English version of our successful book ‘Notfallapotheke aus und in der Natur’ (First Aid using Wayside Plants), which is now in its 2nd edition.
If you happen to know someone who could provide me and my wife (or one of us) with a job under a sponsorship license, that would be a huge help in bringing us a decisive step closer to our dream of not just hiking in the UK, but living in the UK. We would greatly appreciate any informatio or help. Please do not hesitate to send a message to green@waysidetreasures.uk if you have a hint for us.